A properly selected complex of cosmetic procedures is a guarantee that their result will satisfy you. I am guided by my professional experience and a number of professional cosmetic products and equipment, including using computer analysis of the skin. I will help you look attractive and young!
Safe methods of physiotherapy proven by classical medicine to improve the appearance and condition of the skin, correct the shape of the face and figure. It works due to the impact of special devices on the skin by laser radiation, ultrasound, electric currents, radio frequency energy, vacuum and simply mechanical action.
Peeling is a procedure for getting rid of keratinized dead skin cells.
Regular body care, which a woman has at home, is the basis that allows her to keep her skin young and elastic for many years. But home care doesn't take away from the brilliance of the esthetics, where an experienced specialist can offer various useful and effective procedures for you.
Massage is a physiotherapeutic procedure that involves mechanical manipulation the body through the skin.
*Click on the help arrow to familiarize yourself with each service in detail.

Consultation (full-time / online)
Face-to-face consultation:
At a face-to-face consultation, the esthetician observes the client's complaints, determines the type of skin and assesses its condition, determines specific aesthetic problems; identifies contraindications, fills in the client's card and other necessary documentation; draws up a program, recommends the necessary procedures and their frequency; gives recommendations for independent home care.

The more you tell about what bothers you, the more accurately and effectively the esthetician will be able to work with these problems. You will learn all the nuances of treatment, the methods and procedures that are proper specially for you. A full-fledged consultation takes 15-20 minutes.
Sign up for a convenient time for a consultation with an esthetician in Beauty Studio by Nadin.
Online meeting:
In our studio you have the opportunity to undergo a consultation online. Finding time to visit an esthetician in the modern world is very difficult, and if you are in another city or constantly working remotely, the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist is reduced to zero.

In order not to leave you to fend for yourself, we have opened an online consultation. Now you can contact our specialist from anywhere in the world. What is included in the online consultation?
● Assessing the condition of the skin, determining the type of skin, the type of aging and finding out the causes of existing problems.
● Drawing up an individual skin care program at home.
● Recommendations on choosing the procedures that are right for you.
● Selection of professional cosmetics.
The consultation lasts 40-60 minutes.

What do I need for a consultation?
You will need Zoom or SKYPE apps (or other messengers, by prior arrangement). Make sure your camera and microphone are working and ready for a video call.
● Make sure your Internet connection is fast enough for a video call.
● During the consultation, try to choose a well-lit place.
● If you have clear photos of the problem areas of your skin and the compositions of yourmain? care products (washbasin, tonic, face cream), you must send them before the consultation.

Still have questions? Leave a request and the administrator of our studio will contact you and answer all your questions, schedule a consultation and recommend the necessary procedure. Call us!
Microcurrent Facial
Unfortunately, with age the face becomes not as attractive as we would like. The skin gradually fades, muscle tone decreases, the contours lose clarity. Women begin to notice that expensive creams and serums cease to act as noted on the package. To prolong natural beauty, maintain shape and elasticity, and get rid of many unwanted wrinkles, you should use a modern method - microcurrent therapy.

Microcurrent therapy is a method that works at the level of the cell membrane, so the microcurrent does not cause a visible contraction of muscle fibers, but acts at the cellular level.
Microcurrent impulses gently and effectively affect the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, vascular network, muscles, create conditions for the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, have lymphatic drainage, detoxification, decongestant, metabolic, lifting effect on the underlying tissues in the affected area.
With a change in the oval of the face, the appearance of deep folds and wrinkles, ptosis of the eyelids, microcurrent therapy restores the initial state and length of the facial muscles, helping to model the oval of the face and reducing the number, depth and length of small and large wrinkles.

Who is this procedure for?
- Women and Men from 18 to 90 years
Duration of the procedure 30-60 min.
Course of procedures from:
10 to 25 procedures in 2-4 days (in some cases an interval of up to 7 days is possible)

Microcurrents for the face can solve the following problems:
● mimic wrinkles, aging skin;
● the presence of a second chin
● swelling;
● acne;
● seborrhea;
● post-acne;
● skin prone to overdrying;
● Increased skin pigmentation;
● Skin recovery after peeling
● bags under the eyes;
● Ptosis;
● loss of elasticity of the skin of the face, flabbiness of the skin.

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Pregnancy;
  • General feeling of malaise;
  • Availability of pacemakers,
  • Severe thrombophlebitis.

Excellent results are given by microcurrents in the treatment of acne. The face is cleaned over time, small wounds and scars heal. The skin acquires a more even tone, becomes elastic, rashes gradually disappear. Also, sessions of this therapy lighten pigment spots on the face. Affecting the vessels and lymph nodes, microcurrents have a stunning lymphatic drainage effect. This helps to overcome puffiness, eliminate bags under the eyes and accelerate the outflow of fluid.

The procedure helps to start the natural processes of rejuvenation. The oval of the face becomes clear, and the skin is smooth and taut.

Also, microcurrents are often used to lift the abdomen and hands. So flabbiness, sagging, lethargy? of the muscles are eliminated. In addition, spasms are relieved: microcurrents help athletes with injuries.
Facial cleansing
Face cleansing  is a popular and effective cosmetic procedure. Regular cleaning improves metabolic processes in the cells, aligns the shade of the face, cleanses, tones, rejuvenates and generally improves the condition of the skin.

Cleaning the skin of the face helps to cope with:
• Extended portions;
• the swelling;
• comedones;
• hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
• Reduced durability;
• A dull color of the face.

Mechanical (Manual) Facial
Cleansing effectively solves the problems of oily and combination skin. But such a procedure should not be abandoned by owners of other skin types in order to maintain it in a healthy state.

For more intensive cleansing of the skin, estheticians can combine different types of cleansing in one procedure. The advantage of combined cleaning is a double effect. The device will help to clean the surface of the epidermis, even out the relief and skin tone. And then manually estheticians will remove deep skin impurities (comedones, acne).

Facial cleansing with equipment
The hardware type of cleaning is divided into several subtypes, which are performed using special devices. Let us consider in more detail the most popular procedures:

Ultrasonic cleaning or cleansing
Cleansing the skin according to this technique provides a therapeutic and hygienic effect due to high-frequency wave oscillations. Ultrasound cleanses the skin of dirt, horny cells, excess sebum, comedones, helps reduce wrinkles. At the same time, the integrity of the epidermis is not violated and hyperemia is not provoked. After cleaning, the skin looks more moisturized, smooth, and radiant.

Vacuum Suction Deep Cleansing Facial
This procedure is performed using a special device for cleaning the face. Vacuum suction cup nozzle creates negative pressure on the skin, due to which blood circulation increases in the dermis, pores open and black spots are cleaned, sebaceous plugs, sebum, and keratinized cells. It also has a lymphatic drainage and tonic effect, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, and improves the complexion. Often, vacuum cleansing is performed with moisturizing skin, for example, using HydraFacial technology.
Thalassotherapy-spa treatment
It refers to  a complex of methods of treatment and prevention using all therapeutic factors of the sea or ocean.Together, all these factors quickly and effectively normalize the basic physiological mechanisms of regulating the activity of the human body.
Thalassotherapy procedures promote psychosomatic rehabilitation, optimize metabolic processes and the mineral balance of the body, improve the functional state of the endocrine glands and increase health reserves.

THALASSO BRETAGNE programs are aimed at eliminating the effects of stress, chronic fatigue and tension, deep cleansing, restoring mineral balance, endocrine system and metabolism. They contribute to the overall improvement of the body, maintaining tone and well-being.

Body care allows you to cope with all the consequences of stress, unfavorable ecology, lack of sleep and climate change. They are recommended in case of fatigue, overexertion, a decrease in general tone and mood, and sleep disorders. Perfectly relax, restore vitality and energy.Thalassotherapy is a special interaction of the sea and its gifts with the human body, during which all metabolic processes improve, the volume of adipose tissue decreases. The technique allows you to improve your health, become more beautiful and attractive, and slow down the aging process.

Duration from 60 to 90 min.

The course of thalassotherapy procedures is usually adapted to the needs of the client and is therefore very flexible. It is possible to undergo both one procedure for general relaxation and recovery of the body, and a course to achieve a therapeutic effect. Nevertheless, there is a certain standard at which the maximum effect can beachieved. It is recommended to take a course of 5-10 procedures with an interval of 1-2 procedures per week.

No preparation is required. For maximum effectiveness, thalassotherapy should be combined with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Thalassotherapy "Spa Detox"
Activates cellular metabolism and removes toxins and stagnant fluid from the body.

Thalassotherapy "Spa Body contour"
Is indispensable in weight loss programs, effectively eliminates cellulite, normalizes metabolism, relieves physical and emotional stress, improves sleep.

Thalassotherapy "Spa New Energy"
Body shaping using natural ingredients. Stimulation of the body's own capabilities.

Thalassotherapy "Spa Beauty"
is a necessary catalyst for all weight loss and recovery programs. Improves metabolism, relaxes and tones, eliminates the effects of stress and fatigue. Ideal after heavy physical exertion. Real cosmetic skin care.
Facial massage
Facial massage is a procedure aimed at restoring skin tone, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin, strengthening its protective functions, and smoothing facial wrinkles. Massage improves the complexion, helps to saturate the skin cells with oxygen – the skin looks well-groomed and healthy.

What does facial massage give?
The procedure has a complex effect:
• prevents the appearance of wrinkles,
• improves skin tone, improves blood supply,
• relieves swelling,
• improves complexion,
• due to the stimulation of blood circulation during the massage, the skin is saturated with oxygen, regenerative processes are enhanced.
As a result of the massage, the skin acquires a healthy and well-groomed appearance, the oval of the face is tightened, inflammation decreases.

Also, during the massage, the biologically active points located on the face and representing the projection of internal organs are stimulated, which positively affects their work.

Each type of massage has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications. Therefore, depending on the type of skin and needs, the esthetician selects the type of massage and the right cosmetic — an auxiliary tool, thanks to which the effectiveness of the procedure will increase.

Types of messages:
  • Hygienic-cosmetic massage
  • Pinch massage by Jacques
  • Gouache Massage
  • Vacuum massage
  • Honey massage
  • Japanese  Asahi  Massage
  • Sculptural massage
  • Plastic massage
  • Myostimulating massage
  • Lymphatic drainage massage
  • Myofascial massage (correction of the oval face and double chin)
  • Buccal massage
  • Japanese Kobido Massage

How often can I do a facial massage?
Whichever option you choose, a miraculous transformation will not happen in one session – you will need a course of 10-20 procedures. Their number and intensity should be better coordinated with your esthetician. Facial massage is recommended to do a course of 10-20 sessions, once or twice a week. For a longer effect, two or three courses a year.
I would like to remind you that facial massage, like body massage, has strict contraindications.

• Dermatological skin diseases
• Damage to the skin (wounds, scratches)
• Inflammation (acne)
• The presence of a large number of moles, papillomas
• Recent cosmetic procedures (peeling, cleaning). Massage should be performed after complete restoration of the skin
• Rosacea on face. It is not always a contraindication, so it is better to consult a doctor (physician) in advance.

60 min (including care)
Waxing is undoubtedly one of the most effective methods of removing unwanted body hair. Most other methods are not as effective because they do not affect the bulbs. A well-executed procedure allows you to remove the hair along with the bulbs, so that the hair grows much longer, and also becomes thinner and less noticeable. Waxing is a method of removing hair on the face,  arms, legs, armpits, in the bikini area, and other areas that affect the hair follicles.

It takes from 5 to 45 minutes for each zone.

In fact, the effect of waxing lasts approximately 3-5 weeks.When you have a hair removal session for the first time, the effect lasts, most often, no more than 3 weeks.Then there is more and more gap between the procedures.
Suitable makeup emphasizes attractive features, hides imperfections of the skin (dark circles under the eyes, age spots), corrects the disproportion of features, creates a healthy appearance of the face and makes you younger. In our studio you can do: express makeup, daytime, cocktail, evening.

Duration from 30 to 90 minutes.

Professional makeup  is worn all day, and this is what makes it different from your daily makeup. Since more stable and professional textures are used.

All the necessary preparation will be done in our studio. It is advisable to come without makeup.
Long-term eyebrow styling
Long-term eyebrow styling facilitates the daily beauty routine. After the procedure, it is easier to maintain a perfect shape for several weeks without exerting effort. Long-term styling is specially designed to hold hairs, which are characterized by a rigid, unruly structure and grow in different directions, in the desired position.

The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes.

The result lasts 4-6 weeks and washes off gradually, as the remnants of the drug remnants are washed out of the hairs. You can do long-term eyebrow styling with an interval of 8-10 weeks.

On the eve of the procedure, you should not visit the sauna / swimming pool /tan saloon. It is impossible to carry out a long-term styling procedure if the eyebrows are dyed less than 2 weeks prior. This can be done by the master after the procedure. The day before, it is not recommended to scrub or do peeling of the skin around the eyebrow area.